Harald Sauter
Master carpenter
Wood burns - that is undeniable. But: Wood burns “benignly” – and that is a decisive advantage when building with the renewable raw material. What does this mean, precisely? What prejudices does timber construction face in terms of fire protection? What hurdles have to be overcome? What standards must it meet? These and other questions regarding the topic of fire protection in timber construction are discussed in an expert discussion.
Our guest is Reinhard Eberl-Pacan. He is there to answer questions, as a proven specialist for preventive fire protection in timber construction. He gives insights into the planning and design challenges, particularly of multi-storey buildings made of timber and engineered wood, with many examples from everyday working life. At the same time, he shows what modern fire protection design analyses can look like for building with wood.
To make it particularly easy for architects, planners and engineers, contractors, installers and exhibition stand contractors to design and build with wood in compliance with the standards, SWISS KRONO has developed the flame resistant SWISS KRONO OSB/3 SF-B EN300. Stefan Gottfried, SWISS KRONO applications engineer, presents the product and shows you its properties and areas of application.
Master carpenter
ERNE AG Holzbau
Key Account Manager SWISS KRONO OSB Export